I bet you’ve already noticed Christmas is coming! I saw signs of it even before Halloween this year. Schools and non-profits are being inundated with gifts…but are they the right gifts? Yes! If you umi them.

Continuing our efforts to help teachers and their students, we’ve delivered our newest batch of donations to the teachers at  Atrisco Heritage Academy High School in Albuquerque. Did you know many teachers would love for their Christmas gifts to be for their classrooms and students? Check out these lists, copy them, donate to them, become a Patron of Education. Link to Atrisco teacher lists.

This attitude includes our newest partnership with Atrisco’s Family Center. This center helps their many Title I students. The Family center has two amazing staffers who put more than their full time and energy into helping the students. They build relationships with the students and, from their own pockets, (sound familiar teachers?) buy clothes, food, and school supplies.

Udorami personally delivered new socks and undergarments, gently used sweaters and jackets to the Family Center on the Atrisco campus. It is only a fraction of their needs, but we realized we had been blessed with so much and needed to share our fortune. Sara catalogued the items…I don’t know…maybe that list can be used at tax time or by the center to decide on the recipient. We posted it in our Featured Lists  forum.

By helping them build their Udorami lists, we are able to better identify what they need and where they need help. Currently, they are still in need of girls and boys clothes to help keep them warm this winter. And of course it is very difficult to focus on school if the belly is empty.  But don’t take our word for it, umi it here! Jaguar Clothing Closet  and Jaquar Food Pantry

Who do you know who might benefit from a good round of umi? Schools are only the beginning and Christmas is not the only time of the year when gifts are exchanged. And the beauty of it all? It’s free! In the meantime, Albuquerque Public Schools has approved Udorami presence and several schools, parent, and community organizations are starting to umi it.

During the next month, though, remember Udorami literally means “gifts between you and me.” It is open to all who want to give the right gift every time…and tis the season!