Cloning a list

You may clone (copy) any of your lists, your friends’ lists, OR any public list you see.

Your Lists

  1. Go to your “My Lists” page.
  2. copy listClick on the clone icon for the list you wish to copy.
  3. Adjust name, collaboration status, circle access, and date of interest

A Friend’s List (2 ways to find)

  1. Go to your “My Friends” page.
  2. Click on their name or picture
  3. Click on the clone icon for the list you wish to copy.
  4. Adjust name, collaboration status, circle access, and date of interest       OR (my favorite method with over 50 friends)
  1. Go to your “My Lists” page.
  2. Click on “Lists”
  3. Click on “Search for Lists”
  4. Scroll through names to select friend.
  5. Click on the clone icon for the list you wish to copy.
  6. Adjust name, collaboration status, circle access, and date of interest


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