Cloning a list
You may clone (copy) any of your lists, your friends’ lists, OR any public list you see.
Your Lists
- Go to your “My Lists” page.
Click on the clone icon for the list you wish to copy.
- Adjust name, collaboration status, circle access, and date of interest
A Friend’s List (2 ways to find)
- Go to your “My Friends” page.
- Click on their name or picture
- C
lick on the clone icon for the list you wish to copy.
- Adjust name, collaboration status, circle access, and date of interest OR (my favorite method with over 50 friends)
- Go to your “My Lists” page.
- Click on “Lists”
- Click on “Search for Lists”
- Scroll through names to select friend.
- C
lick on the clone icon for the list you wish to copy.
- Adjust name, collaboration status, circle access, and date of interest