Science Project - Plant Mobile   

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We all know kids get antsy after spring break. They are paying attention to you like squirrels at a rave because summer is next. But your job is to educate…so it’s time to get creative. Enter: The Indoor Classroom Garden. Plant a garden in the sky!
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Science Project - Plant Mobile Supplies
Priority: Really want it
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
An easy purchase away. Go to this list, copy it, for yourself or share it with the parents for easy donations. Adjust the quantities for your classroom.

Hanging ideas
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Plants can be hung on a suspended discarded shower rod by placing the ends on blocks. The planters can easily and quickly be moved in the classroom. They could also be placed at eye level so students could measure and make observations with ease. OR, as in this picture - hung on exposed water pipes in an older building.

8. Hang planters!
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Use various size bottles so students can plant succulents and/or herbs. The small bottles are great for sprouting bean seeds. Easy for younger students to cut and fill. Mid and large bottles could be used to grow a lettuce or celery stalk that was going to be thrown away or to grow garlic or green onions. Look further in this list for a link.

7. Tie string
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Have the students pick a partner to help tie hanging string to their planters.

6. Add final soil
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Add starter plant of student choice, and pack in sides and top with remaining soil.

5. Add some soil, then plant
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Add potting soil to the top of the gravel. Leave enough room for the starter plant to fit comfortably. OR if planting succulents (highly recommended to cut down on watering needs), a half/half mix of potting soil and sand. THEN add plant

4. Fill with gravel
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Begin planting! Fill one-third of the planter with loose, clean, gravel or small rocks. This will allow for plenty of room for drainage in case of overwatering.

3. Tempera Paint (opt)
Price: $11.69
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Painting the bottle adds another layer of complexity, but it sure is fun! The root system also likes the dark, and if you leave a band at the bottom (near lid) unpainted you can also check for watering needs,

2. Punch holes
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Hole punch four holes around the tops of the planters. This is where the string will tie to the planter for hanging, so make them as evenly spaced as possible.

1. Cut bottle
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2017-03-29 by another contributor
Have the students cut their recycled bottles 2/3 of the way down from the top— the part with the cap of the bottle will be the new planter. Feel free to use the bottoms of the bottles for additional planters, or send them to the recycling bin.