Geometry Classroom List   

Owned by teach247.gutie
Printable List
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Hello, I teach special needs classes at Title 1 school in ABQ. Here is a list of supplies I am requesting to enhance my profession and offer real world activities into my classroom for my students to enjoy. I am humbled you reviewed my list and greatly appreciate any amount of generosity offered.
Number of items desired:
Number currently purchased:
Fine Tip Dry Erase Markers
Priority: Really want it
Added: 2019-09-08 by another contributor

Added: 2019-09-08 by another contributor

Fine Tip Paint Pen Set
Added: 2019-09-08 by another contributor

Neon Dry Erase Markers
Added: 2019-09-08 by another contributor

Glitter Construction Paper
Added: 2019-09-08 by another contributor