Household Carbon Footprint Calculator
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2019-03-26 by another contributor
Very user friendly and technology agnostic. Includes waste, but not tertiary sources like water usage and food consumption.
Discover Your Savings Potential! NM gas
Added: 2019-03-26 by another contributor
Of course they want you to upgrade your gas furnace...they even offer rebates for high efficiency. Don't worry. they will make that up very quickly. AND you pay for it in your rates anyway. Don't buy it..get OFF it!
PNM Home Energy Analyzer
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2019-03-26 by another contributor
Electricity is Clean Energy, but call them and ask that they use wind, water, solar, or geothermal to make it. Seriously...CALL them.