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Read Circle: Public Write Circle: Athenas
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Representative Abbas Akhil*
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2020-09-10 by another contributor
Athena will be a great addition to the Senate as a scientist and engineer.* Now former Representative.

Representative Brian Egolf - (D) - Speaker Of The House*
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2020-09-16 by another contributor
Onward to victory!* Will need to reflect his retirement from House of Representatives

Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino*
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2020-09-20 by another contributor
We need you in the Senate!

Senator Mimi Stewart - (D) - Majority Whip*
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2020-10-06 by another contributor
It has been a pleasure over the years to work with you on various environmental and solar bills. Join our team for a thriving New Mexico!* Will need to update her to President Pro Tempore!