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Owned by athena
Printable List
Read Circle: Public Write Circle: Athenas
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Tony Seba
From: www.youtube.com
Added: 2015-08-24 by another contributor

Southwest travel funds
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2015-08-01 by another contributor
8k6yzg for Christos $20

Abundance the Future is Better than you think
From: www.abundancethebook.com
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2015-07-18 by another contributor

Lewis N. Clark Rfid Neck Stash
From: www.amazon.com
Price: $9.23
Added: 2015-07-09 by another contributor
Peace of mind.
1 Comment
general tso chicken Netflix
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2015-06-02 by another contributor
Movie to watch

Mark at work
Priority: Really want it
Added: 2015-05-23 by another contributor
Something to realize even he is growing up.

Kayak clinic - Jun 27/28 2015 missing it
From: www.adobewhitewater.org
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2015-05-18 by another contributor

refrigerator problem
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2015-05-02 by another contributor
Oh my, check out all the possibilities. I can work on it on Monday.

Object of Affection
From: www.amazon.com
Price: $10.21
Added: 2015-05-02 by another contributor
1 Comment
Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed Paperback – July 1, 2013
From: www.amazon.com
Price: $11.79
Added: 2015-04-08 by another contributor
Was on my list and ordered it at same time as Reflection. Placed U-milist as public then after order I switched it back to athenas after a couple minutes. purchased 5-2-2015

Evaluations masquarding as feelings
From: www.noogenesis.com
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2015-03-28 by another contributor

Hipster Tee
From: www.metroparkusa.com
Price: $22.80
Added: 2015-03-05 by another contributor