Thanksgiving 2015   

Owned by athenaalpha
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Event Date 2015-11-26
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Cranberry sauce -Michele
Priority: Really want it
Added: 2015-11-17 by another contributor
Lovely to see and scrumptious to eat!

Cheese crisps (appetizer)-Michele
Added: 2015-11-17 by another contributor
Made by Michele to keep the hangrys at bay. We tend to aim for an early dinner in order to watch a movie. Unfortunately, we also run late always, so snacks are a must!

Butternut Squash Pie
Priority: Really want it
Added: 2015-11-17 by another contributor
Paul - Instead of the standard pumpkin pie, I would like to try this recipe and compare.

Random Vegetables
Added: 2015-11-17 by another contributor
Paul: I'd like to have a side dish with vegetables, seeing if we can get a co-op share, or something.

Ham - Maria
Added: 2015-11-17 by another contributor
Always great for leftovers.

sweet potato - Maria
Priority: Like it a lot
Added: 2015-11-17 by another contributor

Spanish Market
Added: 2015-11-19 by another contributor
Number wanted: 3
I have three tickets, but these may be able to get in 6 people. A couple hours of a cultural experience anyone? An offer of something to do on the weekend.

Spanakopita Recipe
Priority: Really want it
Added: 2015-11-19 by another contributor
Number wanted: 24
Not this recipe! My own, of course. Some day I'll share it. For this dinner I make my own crust instead of relying on phyllo dough. It was the only way we ate spinach when we were younger. And it worked on my own sons!

How to Cook a Spatchcocked Turkey: The Fastest, Easiest Thanksgiving Turkey
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2015-12-15 by another contributor
Paul took on this project. It was truly picture perfect and FAST! I just provided the turkey. and oven, of course.

Savory Mashed Potatoes - Maria
Priority: Really want it
Added: 2015-12-15 by another contributor
A staple for any Thanksgiving and more important than the turkey to some.