Resolutions 2017   

Owned by ChrisulaJPCunningham
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Read Circle: Public Write Circle: Just Me
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Here We Go ~2017! Every year I make a written or mental "things to do list!" I have collected some websites that can be constant "Go To" when needed! When ever I'm feeling at a standstill with my successes, need that extra inspiration, a reminder of or extra info about some strategies, I am going to check this list and work to resolve some of the areas of my life! My resolution list includes improving my overall health! I want to building my relationship with God and others! I want to continue to grow into the person that I aspire to be! <3C;
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Quotes About Inspirational
Priority: Can't live without it
Added: 2016-12-28 by another contributor
"Cause somebody's gotta say..."~JJ

Health & Yoga for resolutions
Added: 2017-01-02 by another contributor